

CJKV Information Processing の Appendix の一部のPDF

CJKV Information Processing: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese Computing

CJKV Information Processing: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese Computing

昨年末に第2版が出た CJKV Information Processing*1 ですが、その Appendix の一部がPDFで公開されているようです。特に制限もかけられていないので、テキストのコピーも可能。


This appendix is not included in the printed version of this book, and is instead available as a downloadable and printable PDF file. As new material becomes available, the PDF file will be updated accordingly.
The material currently included is directly excerpted from the first edition, and an updated appendix for the second edition will be made available as that material becomes available.

現在公開されているPDFは初版の内容らしい。update に期待。
