




昨日買った Fonts & Encodings を読んでいたら、こんな記述に出くわした*1

For example, we have a character that is described as the “double high-reversed-9 quotation mark”. [...] To describe this character, whose glyph is ‘’, it would have been easier to call it the “second-level Greek opening quotation mark”, because that is most common use.

Yannis Haralambous, Fonts & Encodings, O'Reilly Media, 2007, p. 55

なんとギリシャ語では、第2レベルのクオート(クオートの中のクオート)の起こしにこの を使うことがあるらしい。著者 Yannis Haralambousギリシャの出身でもある)が書いた “From Unicode to Typography, a Case Study: the Greek Script” という PDF では、次のように説明されている。

Also interesting is the case of the second level quotes. Here, quotes of the size and shape of the English ones are used, but the opening quotes are inverted, similar in form to raised small round guillemets: f:id:mashabow:20080720224739p:image. Fortunately these quotes are provided by the Unicode standard (U+201F and U+201D, the latter being the same closing double quotes as in English) ; the author knows no other language in which this combination of double quotes might be used.

Yannis Haralambous, “From Unicode to Typography, a Case Study: the Greek Script”, 1999, p. 20

アポストロフィやカンマとの字形の差異などさらに細かいことに関しては、Yanis による “Guidelines and Suggested Amendments to the Greek Unicode Tables” という PDF の 1.9 Rule 8: Quotation marks のあたりに説明がある。

Fonts & Encodings: From Advanced Typography to Unicode and Everything in Between

Fonts & Encodings: From Advanced Typography to Unicode and Everything in Between
